Building a simple Distributed System with Go & Consul
Having worked with a few Distributed Systems over the years such as Apache Kafka and Ethereum nodes I was wondering what it would take to build a minimal one. In this article we’ll be building a micro “kafka-like” distributed logging app with super simple features, using Go and Hashicorp Consul. You can follow along using this github repository.
What is Consul ?
Looking at the definition in the intro section of the official website:
Consul is a service mesh solution providing a full featured control plane with service discovery, configuration, and segmentation functionality
That might sound a bit scary, but don’t leave just yet. The main Consul feature we’ll use in this article is the Key/Value store, which will support our simple Leader Election system.
System Architecture
The diagram below shows the system’s architecture :
The system is composed of 3 parts:
consul: Consul instance that provides support for leader election and service discovery.
distributed-logger: The Distributed Logger nodes expose a REST API that logs received messages to Stdout. Only the cluster leader accepts messages at any given time. A new node takes over in case of leader node failure.
producer: The producer queries Consul periodically to determine the distributed-logger leader and sends it a numbered message.
You can run the demo using docker-compose by pulling the repo and running:
$ docker-compose up -d --scale distributed-logger=3
What happens then is:
The Consul instance is started.
3 distributed-logger instances are started and register a Session with Consul.
A distributed-logger wins the election (in this case just because it’s faster in acquiring the lock from Consul) and becomes the Leader.
The producer comes online, then polls Consul for the leader every 5 seconds and sends it a message.
The leader receives the messages and logs it to Stdout
If the leader dies or is killed via SIGTERM or SIGINT, a new distributed-logger node takes over as the leader and starts receiving messages from the producer
You can see an example below where Node 3 is the leader, then Node 2, then Node 1:
Show me the code
The full code is available in the repo, but let’s look at a couple of interesting aspects of the app:
To acquire leader status, each distributed-logger node runs a goroutine that tries periodically to acquire a lock in Consul:
for {
if !isLeader {
acquired, _, err := client.KV().Acquire(acquireKv, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("kv acquire err: %v", err)
if acquired {
isLeader = true
log.Printf("I'm the leader !\n")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(ttl/2) * time.Second)
When signaled with SIGINT or SIGTERM, the distributed-logger nodes destroy their Consul Session, effectively releasing the lock and losing Leader status if the node was the Leader:
// wait for SIGINT or SIGTERM, clean up and exit
sigCh := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(sigCh, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
log.Printf("Destroying session and leaving ...")
_, err = client.Session().Destroy(sID, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session destroy err: %v", err)
The producer runs a loop to discover the Leader node and send messages:
for {
kv, _, err := client.KV().Get(serviceKey, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("kv acquire err: %v", err)
if kv != nil && kv.Session != "" {
// there is a leader
leaderHostname := string(kv.Value)
sendMsg(leaderHostname, msgID)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
Our little Proof of Concept is very far from being production ready. Distributed Systems is a very vast field and we are missing many aspects like: Replication, High Availability and solid Fault Tolerance.
That being said, I hope that you have enjoyed this example and that it will allow you to start diving into this complex topic and hopefully start building your own Distributed Systems ! Let me know of you have any questions or remarks.